This cost calculator and award eligibility estimate is based on the following:
The net price calculator is meant to provide students and their families information on what bet36365体育 students in similar financial situations paid the previous academic year. Please note that this data is based on aid and cost amounts from a previous year. Your actual award eligibility and Cost of Attendance may vary based on your specific situation.
For additional information regarding residency for tuition purposes, please review the bet36365体育 catalog.
For additional information regarding on-campus housing options, please visit the bet36365体育 Residence Housing Options.
For additional information regarding dining options, please visit bet36365体育 Residence Life Meal Plans.
The Student Aid Index (SAI) is an eligibility index number that college financial aid office uses to determine how much federal student aid you will receive. It ranges from –1500 to 999999. A negative SAI indicates the student has a higher financial need.
The SAI is calculated using information that you will provide on the FAFSA and a formula established by law. A family's income, assets, benefits, and family size are all considered in calculating an SAI.
If you have not completed the FAFSA, various SAI estimators are available on the web. A good resource can be found at EducationQuest or
Calculate Estimated Yearly Cost